Saturday, February 27, 2010

I think that your mom is tight mmmmjakkeioeoesiokkdoderdfujfhf vvjcjxkxn'

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Im sorry this is so hard.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think we are invincible because we are.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

i'm sorry

and i realize if i said it from the moment i meant it until i died it wouldn't be enough for you. A lot of things i have to realize and that's one of them. i do mean it when i say you need to grow up. i'm sorry that hurts you but i really hope you'll thank me for it later. you call me just to try and make me mad, and get mad when you don't achieve that. i'm sorry you don't know what to do with your emotions/how to express them/how to control them. it's something that you need to learn, but you won't be able to with a closed mind.
tonight you can be sure that i'll be crying. i put on a strong face around you because i think that's what you need. you're surrounded by bad examples and i'm not the best but i want to be a good one. sometimes it happens when i'm brushing my teeth, and the salt from my tears makes vanilla mint bitter. sometimes i'm right on the brink of dreaming when i'm startled away by a wave of emotions. sometimes i'm sitting at my computer like this and wishing i could say the right things you wanted to hear in the right way. other times i have to leave the dinner table.
i'm sorry i don't know the right way to say the things you need to hear. not want, but need. the ones you need to grow and learn and know. but i don't know and i'm trying my best and it's not working out for us. i'm sorry to do this again and again and again and it's not okay to go around playing with your heart but i'm promise it's not only yours, i'm playing with mine too.
i still love you. i love you, i always will because you're important to me. i care about what happens to you. i want to see you happy. i want to lay in your arms and feel your body heat radiate from you chest but i can't keep playing with your heart and i don't want to and you don't want that either. i know you'll just say to me "but if you want this then why do you NOT want this?" or something like that because always it starts with 'but you want this'. and i do but i don't want to lead you on and keep being on and off if it's some mind trick i'm playing on myself. it's not fair to you.
you have reason to be angry. i'm angry at myself. i wish i knew the words to make you see what i'm saying, to have you look through my eyes and understand this how i do but i can't, so all i can do is hope you can try. you're mean when you're angry, like everyone else. but do unto others as you would have other do unto you. haven't you heard that before? this hurts me like it hurts you. i'm sorry i hit you, but i needed it. you controlled every aspect you could of me for too long. i'm sorry things got that way but they did. i'll sew on your pocket, i'll put aloe on your burns, i'll wish you sweet dreams and i'll always be here for you. 

the tightness in my throat hurts from keeping my salt water warriors inside. i wish you could understand. i'm sorry, i love you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

things are continuely working,
if they weren't, we couldn't be aware

Friday, November 27, 2009

san francisco diego tee weed

i could get lost down here, amidst everything i want to run away from, but the appeal is quite alluring.
i could write my book in the sand, and write messages in bottles to send to you, way across my world.
dragging around with fire in my hands.

fear of not getting out can be easily overcome by making sure all my exits are valid.
across a border across the sea in the middle, a little pea where i was born.
heavy air and a warm breeze vaccuums me right into where Astrid was
when she turned her first trick for some green

in and out of windows
in and out the wind blows
in and out my sin goes
in and out sweaters sewed
in and out needle flows
in and out i need to go

Saturday, October 31, 2009


i don't understand what you want me to do about this, am i supposed to know why this is happening to me? because if i did i don't think i would've asked for help. i fucking hate this, everyday, this pounding, the constant pain, the agony when my vision goes black and i get lightheaded. i wouldn't have asked for fucking help if i knew what was going on and aspirin worked on it okay, mom? fuck you, i don't know what i'm supposed to do about it, don't fucking yell at me because i don't know how to fix things that happen for god knows why.